How to unlock a wd my passport ultra if you forgot the password
How to unlock a wd my passport ultra if you forgot the password

Do you passwords contain things that are in a dictionary? What is your typical password length? What characters do you use, which don't you use? If you have a weak password scheme, it might be possible to automatically brute force. The main question is if you have a fixed password scheme that you use for your passwords, and how good that is. It will be really hard and take long, but it might be possible: WD Smartware for example back in 2015 were easy to crack due to them using a non-cryptographic random number generator. In the end, it all depends on if any security issues in the product make brute-forcing the password easier. Hope this solves your issue and you are more careful with passphrases from now on.First of all, what technology did you use to encrypt the harddrive? WD smartware? Bitlocker? Truecrypt? Veracrypt? The time taken will raise exponentially with the increase in each alphabet or special character. PASSPHRASES made in this manner are difficult to crack with brute force attacks or with any other password cracking option available as on date. Now, let us assume that 88 is your year of birth. Next time when you select a password.think about a word. It is really hard to lose all your valuable data just because you dont remember a silly password.

how to unlock a wd my passport ultra if you forgot the password

After you have formatted the Hard Disk, you can start dumping whatever data it is that you find crucial again into your freshly reformatted WD Passport. Once you use the Erase Tool, whatever data that was there in the HDD till now will be gone forever. One can reformat the hard disk with the Erase option available in the WD Unlock Tool. The reason is that there is hardware level encryption in the WD Passport.The Only solution left is that you will have to forget about what was there in the hard disk if you forgot your password and start afresh.

how to unlock a wd my passport ultra if you forgot the password

Not even the customer care can offer a solution. The WD Security password protection is a 256-bit AES encryption system. The problem with WD Password is that you cannot retrieve the password once it is forgotten. If you had used a password to secure your WD Password, you did it probably because you didnt want anyone else to see the contents which you had stored inside the WD Passport External HDD.

How to unlock a wd my passport ultra if you forgot the password